近日,红帽决定限制对 RHEL 源代码后周边炒得沸沸扬扬,比如:AlmaLinux 不再完全兼容 RHEL,SUSE 加大投入 fork RHEL,甲骨文继续保持 Oracle Linux 与 RHEL 兼容等。
不过 CentOS 项目董事会于周五在官方博客发布了一份声明,称他们「对所有人开放」,并与社区合作。
「CentOS 项目官方博文称”向所有人开放”:https://llll.win/24」公告原文:Open To All
Growing a community and making it easier for folks to contribute is a critical element of success. We are excited by the interest in working with the CentOS project.
「CentOS 项目官方博文称”向所有人开放”:https://llll.win/24」Since Spring 2023, the CentOS Board and members of the community have been working on a set of guidelines to help define what success means for CentOS and its deliverables. Building community and contribution has been a part of the guidelines from day one.
We are excited by interest from new contributors and look forward to working with them to improve the CentOS project, our collective SIG communities, and the Linux ecosystem overall.
The CentOS Board of Directors
「CentOS 项目官方博文称”向所有人开放”:https://llll.win/24」
发展社区并使人们更容易做出贡献是成功的关键因素。我们对与 CentOS 项目合作的兴趣感到兴奋。
自 2023 年春季以来,CentOS 董事会和社区成员一直在制定一套指导方针,以帮助定义 CentOS 及其交付成果的成功含义。建立社区和贡献从第一天起就是指导方针的一部分。
「CentOS 项目官方博文称”向所有人开放”:https://llll.win/24」我们对新贡献者的兴趣感到兴奋,并期待着与他们一起改进 CentOS 项目、我们的 SIG 社区以及整个 Linux 生态系统。
搞不懂红帽这操作……新折腾的服务器已经转 Debian 系统了……